Darkness Visible

-To us, MANS unique original thought is created out of the inspiration coming from the sensations of direct experience with nature, its intention being to create a living dream in present-sense that is filled/embodied with the living consciousness of MAN and set free as a sensory-living-life-form (gift of life) to add to and expand the living dream of MAN’S life, of MAN’S creation.

The thought is the weaving of a conscious living dream created out of the conscious living dream of life, all of this being non-lineal.

The heart is meant to create the thought – «the heart rules the head» and not the other way around.

It all went wrong when MAN started projecting thoughts into another MAN with the intention of getting this other MAN to create the original intender’s thought/dream.

As this alien thought/dream was not created from the soul/consciousness/heart of the MAN being attacked/deceived/conned/tempted, it always remains as a thought with no sensory-life-form embodied in it and thus the «victim» becomes the embodied-host of this alien thought, that’s until the victim no longer gives life to (thinks about) that thought and completely ignores it so that it fades away to nothing – it’s nothing because there is no sensory life-form existing in that thought; it has no consciousness.

-Truth is something we can experience with our senses in nature. The lies are something made from twisted, distorted, processed nature and used for unnatural purposes, for the ideas of the beast that we have to perform with them. If it is true, it has a natural purpose and doesn’t need us to perform for it. This is the terrible destruction of the intellect because there is no consciousness in the intellect as can be seen by what we have done to Earth with the brilliance of our thoughts untamed by our hearts. It requires great harm to be done to nature to fuel the fires of the intellects full of ideas that have no life, no living (live in) consciousness.

-Their job is to maintain the chaos and confusion of doubt and uncertainty that have us need the Freemasons to provide us with their order to their chaos to fill the void of our doubt and uncertainty. How clever they are.

-The reason earth-wide chaos and destruction is happening is to force all of MAN across Earth to their knees begging for mercy, to have everyone screaming out for a permanent remedy to all this engineered (self-fulfilling) chaos. Enter the Freemasonic Grand Plan for a 1000 years Golden Rein of Je-Zeus. The New World Order (one world system/government/etc) entering is not the current Freemasonic, «Bad Guys», chaos and destruction spreading everywhere. The New World Order is the remedy to this planned chaos brought in by all the Freemasonic «Good Guys».

-To us, words such as God, consciousness, free will and MAN imply FULL responsibility for everything we think, feel and do. But we have been trained to be less than MAN, to not take full responsibility for the magnificence of the living creator that is in all of us to give it up for a fake, diluted, distorted, corrupted copy.

-To us, words such as God, consciousness, free will and MAN imply FULL responsibility for everything we think, feel and do. But we have been trained to be less than MAN, to not take full responsibility for the magnificence of the living creator that is in all of us to give it up for a fake, diluted, distorted, corrupted copy.

-The magnificence of life embodied in pure, sincere, uncorrupted air, water, soil, plants, rivers, mountains, creatures, etc, is the life of living creator being present to us as MAN because we are that life. Without that life we are as nothing and we are getting to the point where there will be nothing of the dream of life remaining because we have given up everything of who we really are to the point where there is almost nothing natural to remind us of who we all really are.

-We need to change how we are dreaming now and start climbing back. We have free will. We are not infallible. We have the gift of life to commit spiritual suicide or to co-create and expand MAN’S dream of life.

-We create the images we believe in the water and the more we believe them, the more we give power to them, just as our ancestors created images of illumination that they had been brainwashed into believing. The same applies to all the alien visitations, demonic attacks, voices from «other realms», etc. It is our belief in these things that set them into motion, supporting our beliefs so that we no longer question them. Again, we think that all this phenomena is the result of something else, somewhere else; we forget that we are the common denominator, we are the ones thinking and feeling the images, setting them into motion. WE/MAN ARE CREATING EVERYTHING EFFECTING US.

-The religious images of the Virgin Mary, etc, still resonate and because so many of us are feeling and thinking these illuminated images, we continue to set them into motion in the water. The gradualism of the disintegration of
our true heritage means that we no longer remember our power of creation, leaving us open to being tricked into creating the images of others.

-We have given up the magnificence of who we really are for the fake magnificence of lies, power and control in «The System» to fill the void.

-Freemasons craft illuminated images and con everyone into the practise of setting these non-sense images into motion, rather than the unique, original dreams of each of us. In every church, men and women are putting their life energy into these Freemasonic images, giving them immense power. The hopes and dreams they have for their lives become filled by their love for Jesus, or Mohammed and these are the stories they cling to to fill the void of their doubt and uncertainty. All of us who have been got at through education are lost under the «name», the void, of that doubt and uncertainty, even as we dream for better lives for all of us from our corrupted state.

-Because all of MAN is coming from deeply compromised situations thanks to illumination, they all have dreams of healing, of paradise, of truth to fill the void of their doubt and uncertainty in them, in everyone around them and in nature. It is easy for the Freemasons to manipulate these dreams so that everyone can experience these dreams under a controlled environment, whether they are saved or not, healed or not, rewarded or not, while under the «name», the Freemasonic commercial of the church, the government, the law, etc, that rules them.There are 1001 of these controlled opposition (as above, so below, duality) tactics used to keep everyone defaulting back to «The System» where the Freemasons have all their power and control over everyone stupid enough to continue performing the animation of their commercials.

-Another aspect of this AS ABOVE, SO BELOW duality is their HIS-STORY which teaches us the «background» of the belief systems we have fallen for, our «journey» from prehistoric, savage near-beasts to supposedly enlightened men and women at the peak of civilisation, spiritually «aware» and politically correct as we destroy MAN-Earth in spiritually «aware» and politically correct ways.

-By believing we’re on journeys through «The System», we allow these nut-cases to rule over us here and now. Journeys of watching the outcomes of a favoured football team or journeys to overcome debt, credit and mortgages, journeys through careers to retirement plans and comfortable pensioner lives, journeys to put a roof over our head, feed the family and put our children on the long, winding and often intimidating conveyor belt through «Factory Planet Earth» education, journeys through science and the «progress of man’s civilisation («The System»), or journeys to the after-life sitting by the side of a favoured god or saviour, etc, all of which have us be slaves in the «mean»-time. As you wonder down the many isles of the Freemasonic/Satanic Supermarket, there are thousands of «system journeys» available on their stacked shelves for the duped to purchase, animate, advertise and commercialise.

-Also illumined knowledge that will make us more «spiritually aware and enlightened» on our pre-determined and important cosmic journey, of our choice, from the «dark» to the «light» so we can advance through their inter-galactic, fantastic, inter-dimensional, multi-universe of «light», «ONENESS» and «Quantum Physics». All this is more illumination, leading us all back to a fake remembering of «who created us», «who we really are», «where we came from», etc, etc. While busy and distracted setting into motion whatever item (image) we purchase from their black-magic supermarket, we’re being ruled by them here and now. We have all given up taking full-responsibility for who we really, what we are really part of and our true life purpose.

-The magnificence of life embodied in pure, sincere, uncorrupted air, water, soil, plants, rivers, mountains, creatures, etc, is the life of living creator being present to us as MAN because we are that life. Without that life we are as nothing and we are getting to the point where there will be nothing of the dream of life remaining because we have given up everything of who we really are to the point where there is almost nothing natural to remind us of who we all really are.

-To us, the devil re-presents the opposite of unconditional love, truth, etc. The devil’s tail (the work of the devil) symbolises the reverse (twisting around) of consciousness, reality, truth, health, light, freedom, peace, joy, abundance, nature, sexuality, history, etc, etc…

-The reason earth-wide chaos and destruction is happening is to force all of MAN across Earth to their knees begging for mercy, to have everyone screaming out for a permanent remedy to all this engineered (self-fulfilling) chaos. Enter the Freemasonic Grand Plan for a 1000 years Golden Rein of Je-Zeus. The New World Order (one world system/government/etc) entering is not the current Freemasonic, «Bad Guys», chaos and destruction spreading everywhere. The New World Order is the remedy to this planned chaos brought in by all the Freemasonic «Good Guys».

-Belief, faith and associated opinion form the black-magic possession over a victim, that being the basis of everything explained in «The System», showing up as the Freemasonic illumination of religion, banking/commerce/money, governments, laws and fake lifestyles, values, standings, titles, status’s and other man-made systems derived from education and all university courses and careers.

-The Freemasonic illumination manipulates us into giving up taking full responsibility for our lives here and now, in present sense to be lost to past and future sense (tense), which is the intention of the psyop programming, as we then are easily convinced to allow the Freemasonic orders to organise our lives for us through their systems with all their rituals, rules, regulations, procedures, conditions, contracts, titles, standings and status, happily locked into animating their commercial. Under this manipulation, we operate under limited responsibility, limited liability because we have given over our power to the psyop program to rule us, allowing it to have a huge effect on our lives.

-Freemasons illuminate this non-sense that is all in 3rd party, not in 1st party, because they want us to believe that we/MAN are all on a journey heading from somewhere to somewhere else and that life on earth is ONLY temporary and transitory. There are many different types of journeys to «buy into» (commercialise), all of which are lies. By offering us such a huge range of journeys to animate – distractions – those waking up to the deception are nearly always led down another garden path of more system illumined knowledge.

-The affects of illumination are designed to have us believe that we/MAN are tiny aspects of a universe at the effect of greater forces than us, be it the rotation and/or haphazard movements of planets, asteroids, comets, etc, the sun, the effect of planets through Astrology or Astro-Theology, a fantasy time code setting the foundations for Numerology, or that we are at the effect of an all powerful remote God or higher beings or alien forces, etc. These illumined fantasies come in a 1001 ways.

-The Freemasons know that the moment they teach a child, they create doubt and uncertainty in their dreaming/thinking because they are telling the children that they are not good enough to work it all out in their unique, original ways. They know that this is the beginning of creating trauma that becomes the void that the traumatised use to create their fake lives out of, becoming hue-MANS rather than MAN, under the power and control of illuminated demons for the rest of their lives, unless they really wake up and remember who they really are.

The Freemasonic orders, sects, lodges, fraternities, brother/sisterhoods, societies, etc, behind «The System» spend their whole lives devising attacks and distractions maintaining the void of doubt and uncertainty so that we do not wake up. Hence, «We Will Lead Every Revolution Against Us» where all the Intel operatives give us illuminated alternative after illuminated alternative to direct our life energy into, so that we never wake up from fake lives, fake consciousness, fake values, etc, and live happily as herds of hue-MAN sheep being herded by illuminated, Freemasonic shepherds/light bearers.

All of the fake, void-filling distractions are about exclusivity and privilege, about «my» relationship with Jesus, «my» salvation, «my» church, «my» Galactic Federation check point, «my» one-life-only. From this, we move on to «my» money, «my» land, «my» career, «my» title, «my» freedom, «my truth», «my consciousness», «my» sovereignty, «my» patriotism, «my» country.

-To keep people in «The System», the Freemasonic world has to have the «Good Guys» who we come to rely on as they tell us how to think and feel and provide us with the remedies to our problems, as well as having the «Bad Guys» who we fear and seek protection from. This is how they perpetuate chaos. A naked MAN, in nature, is being tended to by a Knights Templar = «The System». George Washington is part of the Freemasonic force that invaded America and decimated the tribes, taking over all the land and destroying the culture of the Native Americans.

-For them to keep us from remembering who we really are, what we are really part of, and separated from the information of sense, of the dream of life, instead living almost all of our lives out of the information of «The System» that is non-sense, they have to ensure that our thinking is constantly occupied with their images that have nothing to do with the information of our senses and everything to do with the educated explanation of «The System».

-If we contemplate on our thinking and on our sentence structures (thought processes), we can notice how much third party NON-SENSE we are peddling every moment of our «system» lives. Almost every thought we think, if not ALL of our thoughts, is non-sense. How can we use non-sense to make sense of truth, reality, life, consciousness, etc?
For example, the thought of consciousness is just that. There is no consciousness existing to be sensed in the thought of consciousness.
The Freemasonic/Satanic world worships the intellect that is the non-sense world of thought. Enter all occults, esoterics, man-made mysteries, etc; there is no living consciousness in any of them, nothing to be sensed and nothing that sets us free from «The System».

-The thought of God Is NOT God, it’s just an idea about a God originally made up by Freemasons telling (brainwashing) slaves how to think, feel and act about a God, their «G»od in their Kingdom Of Heaven = «The System».

-«The System» is like a web, an inter connected world. Every man, woman and child brought up in the system will have dreams for his life connected to «The System» so it is inevitable that we draw to us those with common dreams, with things that we need, people that we meet who help us along the way and it all seems like synchronicity. Even though we have been got at, we are still creators; it is just that we now create with system dreaming rather than with the dream of life. It is like a group of toddlers in the play park all playing with the toys provided and interacting in different ways but all fenced into the play park, and all amazed that they are playing with the same toys. Wow, what a coincidence!

-In «The System», there is no opportunity for us to have unique, original, direct experiences with all of life. Everything is laid out on the table for us, a buffet of system information that we all eat and form our lives from. We create within the system dreams that we have been taught to dream, a schematic blueprint accumulated into our brains over our years of system education. None of it comes from direct experience with nature.

-We are not «beings». A MAN becomes a being by the brainwashing that MAN falls into. MAN is the creator, the only ones who can set thoughts and pictures into motion and create them. The beings are extensions of «The System», the slaves of reflection and synchronicity. They are not MAN. MAN is the creator, a first party who can come forward, but MAN has been hijacked to create the intentions of others which we do when we create system lives through the courses, careers, status and standings of «The System» using man-made, unnatural languages that are of «The System» and designed to keep us in «The System». Refer to other articles for more on man-made languages. Our true language is our senses, not third party non-sense.

-Everyone is living creator when we know who we are but the sacredness of who we are, unique and original, has been lost and we are no longer the true essence of God/creator/responsibility. We are fallen MAN, brought up on system non-sense and almost completely disconnected from true consciousness.

-TEAL says that truth is a matter of interpretation, translation and perspective. TEAL brings us back to the common New Age construct of truth as being variable, subjective and inconsistent, teaching us that we cannot trust each other because what is true for one man or woman is not true for another. We are all prophets but we are all each other’s false prophets. Everyone’s interpretation of «The System» is not yours and your interpretation of «The System» is not theirs. This makes us in-divide-u-alls, too busy worrying about our belief systems to realise that we are all slaves to «The System» and to start doing something about it.

-And how can our beliefs be «true» if we have been educated about what to think and feel? If we do not wake up to our system brainwashing, we can only ever be thinking and feeling partial truths. Real truth happens when the child creates unique original dreams in nature without interference by other men and women telling him/her how to think and feel. There is nothing of nature that needs to be explained to us because we can just be exposed to it so that we can have a direct experience with it.

-So long as we are living do no harm lives, we are free to think as we experience, to share our thoughts and dreams but not to impose them on others. Our perspective is unique to each of us but not compared to each other’s perspective and, as we have not been brainwashed, all our perspectives are based on the truth of consciousness that is available to conscious MAN always. This is the system of nature. It is not an artificial system imposed over nature, a system with man-made laws, government, etc.

-She says, «..your job is to find and know your own truth. To own your own truth»; how can we do this when we have been educated into a language that defines everything about our lives using constructs that have been designed for us through words that we are given dictionaries full of so that we can use them «correctly» according to system definitions that describe system thoughts and feelings for us to construct our system lives out of? This is the basis of our doubt and uncertainty.

-We are «searching for truth». If we are not interfered with, there is nothing to search for because we already are consciousness and already have access to all of consciousness. It is only because we have been hijacked and smashed that we sense that things aren’t right and go on a journey looking for what we lost as a child. As we keep searching in «The System», we never find what we are looking for, hence the void we have written about. We will never get to truth using system constructs.

-We are told to look for what others have to offer us, rather than looking for what we can do for others. There is nothing about sharing, helping, working together to stop the harm that we are all responsible for. This is what the New Age is all about. What’s in it for me covered up by a false veneer of fake love and consciousness. Self-centredness continues and with it the annihilation of the dream of life.

-This Paradise within is being performed by duped-believers as a cop out, a back door for passing-the-buck because they are too selfish and greedy (self-centred) to create a living paradise here and now all around them and all across Earth/Nature.

-Nature is your real and ONLY friend – you must stop being self-centred, stop indulging in you, let you/i/me/mine go.

Nature all around is where you really are.
You have to get past all the doubt and uncertainty about your true magnificence.
Don’t be concerned about what you have no control over, particularly about what is not actually really happening in your real life here and now.
We are the ONLY ones that can set thoughts/images/dreams into motion.

-Its important to create dreams and live them (set them into motion) in present-sense without any doubt or uncertainty included in your dream/s otherwise you are creating that (introducing chaos) into your dreams/s too.

-Once you have conquered the trauma, the void of your doubt and uncertainty, you are truly free from «The System» of doubt and uncertainty and are now powerfully using «The System» in a most peaceful loving way that gets you, and others who choose to live this way, out of this man-made hell in this life.

-A MAN lives/creates his/her REAL life.
Don’t let the shit get into your life, into your dreaming.
When we remember who we really are, we are far far far far far far far far far far far far far more powerful than the combined force of Freemasonry throwing whatever rubbish they conjure up at us.

-Clear your head of all the rubbish and, without doubt and uncertainty plaguing you anymore, the options for co-creating your real life of freedom here and now open up the whole of creation at your feet where it has always been.

We are all unique and original so there is not ONE way to freedom as long as we do no harm, or as little harm as we can as we learn to wean the harm-doing from our lives.

The freedom starts with you and how you create that in your unique original life/way and gift it, set it free to inspire others.

We do not «own» anything, never have, never will.

Only doubt and uncertainty makes you believe that you «own» something.

-When we are on the true path, we are taking FULL-RESPONSIBILITY for our life, our dream/s, and from there you bring down the whole of Rome/Babylon instantly because you are no longer of their world. You are still in it but it is now fading away from all-around you but it will come back if you let doubt and uncertainty creep in again.

Get past the trauma (self) and all forms of reaction to trauma (self-centredness).

We are nature but the non-sense in our HEAD stops us being nature.

-What goes into our head from outside and stays there, is there to con us into giving up who we really are. Someone else is trying to take over our life. Think of a robot with a disk – the purpose of the disk is to instruct the robot. Let’s stop being robots

-The only power is living MAN, setting into motion the water of MAN’S every breath, present here and now amongst the living with the presence of life that is present sense consciousness, not confined by time, space and measurement constructs and concepts. Only living MAN, first parties, in and of eternal present-sense consciousness, can move forward here and now.

No third party letters, numbers, words, names, constructs and concepts or any physical, material forms and images thereof, (letters, etc) are present here and now amongst the living MAN creating water with their every breath.

-Unless anyone amongst the living first parties can prove that letters, etc, can exist of their own free will without a first party MAN having to perform for them, as third parties, none of the intentions of the meanings behind every letters, etc, invented and embodied within them and of them as codes, symbols, etymology, phonetics, cryptography, compelling trauma based motions or e-motions, secret or not, initiated or not, (codes, etc) have any power over any living first party MAN.

-Either living MAN is using letters, etc, to communicate the magnificence of MAN’S uncorrupted, pure, sincere consciousness that is always present here and now in present sense and does not require letters etc, to exist and be present amongst the presence of the living, or living MAN is using letters, etc, with the corrupt, impure, insincere intention of performing black magic, hypnotic rituals to compel other men and women to perform usury (USE YOU R Y) because they believe in the power of those black magic, hypnotic rituals over them and allow the effects of the intentions embodied in the letters, etc, to compel them. This is no different to putting a software program on a disk into a robot and giving the robot specific programs, the robot only being able to operate within those directives.

-The reason men and women feel compelled to perform usury, or to force others to perform usury, under the imagined, hypnotic power of letters, etc, is because they have been educated into believing that the letters, etc, have power apart from MAN, and to build a fictional world based on the instructions and explanations of the information contained in the letters, etc, that form the make-believe world that is «The System». This is why pieces of paper move from desk to desk to desk to desk, being written on, stamped, marked, signed and scribbled on, and why we have a world of administrators, white collars, blue collars and a whole force of armed and unarmed men and women whose job it is to enforce the hypnotic letters, etc, instructions on pieces of paper or electronic, digital data and ensure they are carried out.

-The magnificent MAN that we really are is being sacrificed, day in, day out, to be the life blood of «The System». This is the life of usury as robots under instruction.

-What makes you go to their world, to their courts, to their governments, when there is nothing there? They don’t exist. We have to get past this. Fighting them is just another form of blood letting as they continue to suck our life force energy. They do not mind us fighting them because they get what they want anyway, whether they «win» or «lose». We have to get past the trauma of the fear of loss so that we deal with these people from our strength rather than the weakness of our doubt and uncertainty.

-The fact is…… we’ve been lost to the illusion of finding the missing pieces to a shattered reality that never happened to us. The shattered realities were those of the victims of ritual sacrifice giving the impression that we have also been shattered. When we let go of this trauma that superimposes (hoods*) us we no longer feel shattered. *Satanic brotherhoods/sisterhoods.

-The fact is…… we’ve been lost to the illusion of finding the missing pieces to a shattered reality that never happened to us. The shattered realities were those of the victims of ritual sacrifice giving the impression that we have also been shattered. When we let go of this trauma that superimposes (hoods*) us we no longer feel shattered. *Satanic brotherhoods/sisterhoods.

Our true power is when we remember the magnificence of the MAN that we really are because we are of the consciousness of original MAN and, as long as we remember this, MAN will continue to be created eternally from that magnificence no matter what these practising Satanists do. If we lose sight of this, we lose sight of who we really are too, and we have committed spiritual suicide, which is exactly what they want us to do. Now we are lost in the doubt and uncertainty of their shattered reality.

-If our children have fallen, they are already fallen. If our tribes have fallen, they are already fallen. We cannot rescue them from their fallen state. If they have given up their magnificence, they have given it up. We are dealing with free will here, which is sacred.

-What we can do is to set up living examples of how to live as magnificent MAN again, Kindoms/Do No Harm Communities/Tribes, so that they experience us living this way in present-sense and remember who they really are through our living-example so they can rise up to live as magnificent MAN again. This is no longer about races, cultures, creeds, colours, standings, titles, status, etc, it is about magnificent MAN, men and women not ruled and driven by doubt and uncertainty. The faster MAN remembers who MAN really is, the faster those behind «The System» are creating their «own» destruction/spiritual-suicide in this life, unless they too remember who they really are.

-We need to find true courage, true peace, true unconditional love and true forgiveness to do what has to be done, to live as the magnificent MAN that we really are and never sell out. It is only then that we can move forward POWERFULLY and PEACEFULLY.

-Slavery is NOT acceptable under any guise but many are seriously confused about slavery and are ignoring the fact that the whole of «The System» is slavery based relying on brainwashed children to enter «The System» as educated slaves, the cogs in the wheels of «The System» (blue and white collars, labourers, paper pushers, etc, etc) and that they want this to continue so they can continue to receive all the benefits, privileges, services, etc, of «The System».

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